Reservation Ledger

North's all in one Rate Optimization Health Center.

North offers an immersive analytics center to understand current & historical rate optimization health & trends. Loaded with AI grades & scores to help you understand and accelerate your rate optimization journey.

Understand the Ledger

The ledgers offers a list of any RIs or SPs (1 or 3 year) detected in your AWS organization. Flexible policies purchased via North will have a pink dot in the left hand colunm. You can view policy data, start/end dates, ESRs, utilization stats & MTD savings.

You may also filter by type, month and more.

You can export the list at any time by Clicking EXPORT

View your ESR & FinOps Score

Scoll down to view your total account level finops score, ESRs per service. All scoring is weighed against the scale of potential ESRs available given AWS's pricing of the products & savings reservation systems in each product type.

Last updated