Best practice: If your AWS account is part of an AWS organization, please signup using the billing account (also called manager account) only. This will allow North to analyze usage throughout all your accounts and centralize savings opportunities into one view.
Select your integration method
We recommend using the CloudFormation option. This deploys all the required permissions within a couple of minutes through a couple clicks. Or you can use Terraform, CLI, or console commands to deploy the required permissions.
Deploy a CloudFormation stack in the AWS console that will create a read-only cross-account role. This will enable North to recommend the best savings posture based on your usage.
In the AWS Management Console, select CloudFormation and “Create Stack”.
Select the "Specify an Amazon S3 template URL" and enter the URL below:
On the "Specify stack details" page, enter the following information:
Stack name: Enter "NorthCostAndUsageReadOnlyCloudFormationStack" (or your desired stack name)
Click the "Next" until you are able to click “Create stack”
Verify access
We will automatically verify your access after your deployment. We recommend that you wait until all the permissions are successfully deployed. You can also verify manually or send over the instructions by email to another team member.
Make sure to have the proper permissions on your billing account to create roles and policies.
Start saving!
You will get a confirmation email once North AI has the perfect savings report ready and have access to all our features for free. You can even start savings that same hour.