Compute Saver

100% Powered by AWS Compute Savings Plans.

North offers the best in class compute savings system, and the only provider in the industry to power their compute optimization 100% with flexible Compute Savings Plans.

Compute Saver Home Page Basics

  1. Cost: represents the last 30 days of total net spend for instance/compute charges for EC2, Lambda & ECS Fargate.

  2. Savings Available: monthly savings available via North's compute saver program. Click SAVE NOW to subscribe & get started.

  3. Spend Graph: offers a daily look at the compute spend by spend type (on-demand, spot instances, savings plans, reserved instances). Automatically showing the last 30 days.

  4. Reservation Ledger & North Savings MTD Stats: Ledger shows your rate optimization health for both reservations made through North (identified with a pink dot) and those made directly to AWS (not flexible via the North program). Click VIEW MORE to expand to your reservation health page, and view advanced ESR and FinOps stats.

Last updated