Deploying North & signing up
Step 1
You can create a new North account, or access your current account at anytime at app.north.cloud
Step 2
Create an account through email or SSO (Google, Microsoft, GitHub)
Step 3
Select your cloud service provider(s) of choice. You can integrated both your AWS and GCP billing accounts through with North.
More on AWS integration below
More on GCP integration below
North offers automated commitment management for AWS & Google Cloud, ensuring customers can enjoy maximum product discounting while eliminating their risk or term commitment underutilization.
Commitments used will vary on the product being covered & the cloud ecosystem, as the commitment programs within each ecosystem varry.
North will ensure limited term commitment risk, enabling high coverage rates using two coverage models.
Managed by North
Refers to commitments using Norths Savings Pod system. Flexibility is ensured by removing unutilized commiments out of the customer billing org.
Insured by North
Refers to commitments where North will cover the hourly costs of any underutilization with cash-back or credits against your North invoice/fee. These commitments can be paid up to 100% of the monthly costs, out of pocket by North should the customer have 0% utilization(for example).
Please note that all commitment insurance and flexibbility terms are governed by our MSA. https://www.north.cloud/legal/terms-of-service
IAM Permission Roles & Least Privilege
North uses limited IAM roles whenever possible to ensure that we cannot view critical machine data, edit machines, create/pause/stop instances or make any networking changes. We regularly hire third-party SecOps consulting to audit our risk exposure and ensure client security.
North SOC II Compliance
North as of May 2024, has passed their SOC II Type I Audit. More info can be requested, including the full compliance & audit report by reaching out to North directly.
North Savings Pods
North uses member accounts to deploy and manage savings plans & reserved instances in your AWS billing group. This approach enables customers to maintain their own billing account and AWS Organization. This also enables customers to maintain maximum security & limit exposure to 3rd party security events. While maintaining your own organization, you (the customer) are never subject to a reseller or 3rd party's Security Control Policies, or the SCPs of any sub-processors, employees or bad actors that may gain control of SCP administration in the billing org. This also allows the customer to retain full control of disconnecting the North service, and any North AWS accounts from the billing org at any moment for security or business purposes.
Service control policy documentation:
Disconnecting North Savings Pods From Billing Org
Please note that all disconnecting of North savings pods, or cancelation of service is governed by the MSA agreed upon between the client & North.
To remove an AWS account from your organization (including North's Savings Pods) follow the below steps:
Sign into AWS management console for the biller/payer account.
Go to AWS Organizations.
Navigate to Accounts section.
Select account(s) to remove from org.
What access do these accounts hold in our AWS organization?
The savings pods hold no cross account access of any kind to the other accounts in your AWS organization. The only IAM permission in the account is a billing read only permission for the account to "phone home" back to North. This allows North to read net savings & utilization health data from the savings pod, to best administer them to your AWS organization.
How are these savings pods secured?
While we can't share our full SecOps posture publicly we can say the following. Savings pods are secured at the root layer by using a password encryption software & MFA. No other IAM permissions are created for them, so no other access can be granted. North also monitors any access, or spend in these accounts. These essentially act as "dark sites" with no live usage activity other than the savings plans.
What happens to the costs of the Pods if they leave our org?
What are AWS organizations & management accounts?
All accounts are created as North AWS accounts first, with our default payment method. Upon leaving your organization the payment for any hourly costs are billed to the base payment method of the AWS account. This is standard in AWS. If a standalone account leaves an organization, the base payment method takes over. More at the link below.
After you successfully created an account you can add your GCP billing accounts.
Make sure you have the following minimum role BigQuery Data Owner within the billing account to share the billing data set with North.
The following steps are for users that want to share a new billing dataset OR do not have a billing dataset created yet. If you already have a billing dataset created and want to share that one you can skip to step 4
Select the billing organization you want to add and click Edit Settings.
In addition to the billing and usage data, we also use the recommendations data to align some of our more advanced AI recommendations with GCP. This allows us to provide rightsizing, anomaly detection, and advanced visibility into your architecture.
Make sure that you have roles/recommender.exporter
After you successfully created an account you can add your AWS billing accounts.
We recommend using the CloudFormation option. This deploys all the required permissions within a couple of minutes through a couple clicks. Or you can use Terraform, CLI, or console commands to deploy the required permissions.
Click here to open a pre-configured CloudFormation stack in a new tab.
Once in the page, scroll to the bottom and click "I acknowledge".
Finally, click "Create stack" to create the stack.
Create .tf file
Run the following command on the AWS CLI
Deploy a CloudFormation stack in the AWS console that will create a read-only cross-account role. This will enable North to recommend the best savings posture based on your usage.
In the AWS Management Console, select CloudFormation and “Create Stack”.
Select the "Specify an Amazon S3 template URL" and enter the URL below:
On the "Specify stack details" page, enter the following information:
Stack name: Enter "NorthCostAndUsageReadOnlyCloudFormationStack" (or your desired stack name)
Click the "Next" until you are able to click “Create stack”
We will automatically verify your access after your deployment. We recommend that you wait until all the permissions are successfully deployed. You can also verify manually or send over the instructions by email to another team member.
Make sure to have the proper permissions on your billing account to create roles and policies.
100% Powered by AWS Compute Savings Plans.
North offers the best in class compute savings system, and the only provider in the industry to power their compute optimization 100% with flexible Compute Savings Plans. Additionally, CloudFront and SageMaker savings plans are also available.
Savings Plans Home Page Basics
Cost: Represents the last 30 days of total net spend for instance/compute charges for EC2, Lambda & ECS Fargate.
Savings Available: monthly savings available via North's compute saver program. Click SAVE NOW to subscribe & get started.
Spend Graph: offers a daily look at the compute spend by spend type (on-demand, spot instances, savings plans, reserved instances). Automatically showing the last 30 days.
Reservation Ledger & North Savings MTD Stats: Ledger shows your rate optimization health for both reservations made through North (identified with a pink dot) and those made directly to AWS (not flexible via the North program). Click VIEW MORE to expand to your reservation health page, and view advanced ESR and FinOps stats.
North offers flexible reserved instances for products not covered by compute savings plans. These RIs provide 3 year pricing optimization for AWS's relational database service (RDS), Opensearch & Elasticache.
RI Saver Home Page Basics
Cost: represents the last 30 days of total net spend for instance charges for RDS, OpenSearch & ElastiCache.
Savings Available: monthly savings available via North's compute saver program. Click SAVE NOW to subscribe & get started.
Spend Graph: offers a daily look at the compute spend by spend type (ondemand, reserved instances). Automatically showing the last 30 days.
Reservation Ledger & North Savings MTD Stats: Ledger shows your rate optimization health for both reservations made through North (identified with a pink dot) and those made directly to AWS (not flexible via the North program). Click VIEW MORE to expand to your reservation health page, and view advanced ESR and FinOps stats.
Details on North's Flexible RIs
North's RI Saver program offers customers the option to have North purchase RIs on the customer's behalf, without the traditional 3 year commitments. These RIs can always be purchased as new reservations with partial up front payment, or if the reservation type is available on our RI marketplace, you can request to take recycled RIs with no up front payment. In the latter scenario, the customer takes over the remaining unblended costs of the RI. Any RI handoffs, fees & terms are governed by the North MSA.
Analyzing Break-Even Projections
North will automatically analyze and show you TCO/breakeven statistics on each RI instance (total accrued costs vs On-Demand equivalent), both aggregated at the total account level, or broken down by individual service/instance type. To view, go to the checkout cart, Click DETAILS.
As of December 5, 2024 we are combining the default and premier permissions into our onboarding, making the premier features available for all customers.
North requires an IAM permission for our app to read spending data that powers our ML engine to automate your FinOps.
North CAN NOT:
Read sensitive data
View or edit network rules
Create, change, alter, stop or pause instances or machines
Change or copy any development, test or production data
North's read-only baseline IAM permission and details are listed below. Baseline permissions allow basic functionality of our app and management system in order to fully benefit from the best savings posture. However, additional permissions may be required for some products. See product pages for more details.
Note to the community: It has come to our attention that various third-party services frequently grant themselves excessive permissions. We urge you to exercise caution and thoroughly review these permissions before implementation. For instance, a broad permission like "ec2:Describe*" permits third-party services to access your security groups. Such access is not required for cloud cost optimization and poses an increased security risk to your servers. Please ensure that permissions are appropriately limited to maintain optimal security and functionality.
Baseline - Default read only cost and usage data
Premier Baseline - Read only compute optimizer and CloudWatch metric data.
Advanced Permissions - Creates cross-account, cross-region CloudWatch get metrics and creation of readonly CUR file.
North's software can autonomously manage, purchase and insure GCP CUDs for the customer's Google Cloud usage.
North's platform will automatically detect & insure your existing GCP commitments, while also making new commitments for additional cost optimization.
North reserved the right to underwrite each customer individually, however will generally stick to 1 year CUDs for CloudSQL, and 3 year CUDs for Compute Engine (70-30 split, 70% or less being resource CUDs managed by North, 30% or more being flexible spend based CUDs insured by North).
FAQS on North's Google Cloud CUD Coverage
How does North insure my existing commitments?
North will detect and insure your existing commitments at North's underwritting discretion, extending your flexibility & peace of mind on all of your cloud commitments.
How are project based CUDs managed?
Project based CUDs are managed using North Savings Pod architecture. North creates projects with a folder in your GCP org, and enabled CUD sharing to let the projects hosting the infrastructure to enjoy North CUD savings.
Why is there a split in Compute Engine CUDs that you use?
Letting customers enjoy some of their coverage as spend based & flexible, enabled more architecture freedom. Overall spend based commitments typically allow customers to change server/DB type more often then resource based commitments, enabling faster server/DB improvements & change windows. Norths coverage mixes both coverage types together to give customers both deep savings, and flexibility.
What does service cancelation look like with insured commitments?
For CUDs managed by North, they will leave the org per our handoff windows in our MSA. For insured by North commitments, during a service cancelation, the customer agrees as part of cancelation to release North of any/all remaining payback obligations for the CUDs North was previously insuring, and takes over full commitment of that CUD.
Will you cover anything else for us, such as BigQuery or CloudSpanner?
Yes North plans to support additional GCP CUD types very soon. Check in with your North account team to let us know what we should support next.
Command center for cost & usage data.
FinOps center lets you query all of your cost & usage data intelligently with immediate analysis based on the input/variables.
You can use this center to view costs on a daily or monthly granularity with the ability to apply advanced filters. All your historical data is within a couple clicks.
Understanding How to Filter the Data
Filter/create a customer report by following the below steps.
Choose your 1 or 2 "groupings"
Choose your date range & if you want the data shows in daily or monthly granularity. Click FILTER
Once the first filter updates, you will be able to further refine the results using group filters (drop downs). Once totally refined you FILTER] again for final results.
North's all in one Rate Optimization Health Center.
North offers an immersive analytics center to understand current & historical rate optimization health & trends. Loaded with AI grades & scores to help you understand and accelerate your rate optimization journey.
Understand the Ledger
The ledgers offers a list of any reserved intances or savings plans (1 or 3 year) detected in your AWS organization. Flexible policies purchased via North will have a pink dot in the left hand colunm. You can view policy data, start/end dates, ESRs, utilization stats & MTD savings.
You may also filter by type, month and more.
You can export the list at any time by Clicking EXPORT
View your ESR & FinOps Score
Scroll down to view your total account level finops score, ESRs per service. All scoring is weighed against the scale of potential ESRs available given AWS's pricing of the products & savings reservation systems in each product type.
North's hands free cost & usage anomaly detection system. Running for you with no human admin needed.
North's anomaly detection system is on by default, and will detect anomalies in cost & highly variance workloads worth human investigation.
Understanding the Priority System
North's software will automatically sort the alerts by highest priority of attention (#1) and sort down in numerical order from there. In short, if you only have a few minutes, work your way from the top the list and go downward.
Sharing the Alerts
You can share specific alert details to teammates with Slack, Jira, or by email.
Managing Alerts
You can mark that an anomaly has been sufficiently investigated & handled for it to be removed from the list, Click RESOLVED.
Automated carbon footprint intelligence.
To access your GreenOps page, simple navigate to the NorthOps subsection in the app & choose GreenOps.
GreenOps requires zero technical setup, and will continuously run in the background.
Once on your dashboard, you will be able to view your last months carbon emissions profile, water & power usage estimations & an estimate of carbon credits needed to offset your footprint.
You will be able to access various filters to change the data reporting, or query specific regions or services that have high power draw & carbon output.
In order to request North purchase carbon offsets, please use the Go Carbon Neutral button at the top right, which will feature an authorization page allowing your to process the request with North. Please note that all receipts and a carbon neutral certification document can be provided upon request.
North's service can be canceled at anytime. Any savings plans or reserved instances can be disconnected from your billing organization and transitioned to another North customer. North via our MSA, requires 30 days notice on full account cancelations up to $10,000/mo in reservation under management monthly value, and up to 120 days notice if the reservations under management monthly value is over $10,000/mo.
North invoicing is powered by Stripe, with net 15 terms.
North is also available on the AWS Marketplace, see our Marketplace page.
Customers can request support 24/7 via their dedicated Slack channel, or book time directly with their team using this link: https://calendly.com/northinc/northcloud-customer-support-call
North can be billed via the AWS Marketplace. Listing link below. Either subscribe directly through the link or ask your North team to setup a private offer to be billed on the AWS marketplace.
What does North do?
North is an AWS partner that automates and manages AWS discounting as a monthly subscription service. This allows customers to experience the ease of group buying, flexible discounts with zero-touch cost optimization.
Will North pause or change anything on my VPC?
Nope! Our service simply monitors your AWS usage posture, finds savings & allocates discounts to bring your AWS spend down.
We offer subscription based Savings Plans for:
ECS - Fargate
We also offer limited availability for flexible Reserved Instances for:
What does North do that we can't do natively with AWS?
Our SW monitors your environment and takes the manual work out of managing discounting commitments to AWS. We offer customers an alternative to directly buying their Savings Plans & Reserved Instances from AWS. With North customers enjoy the benefits of a 3 year term commitments without the vendor lock in or contracts. North automates the coverage of your savings reservations to closely match your real usage patterns in your AWS stack.
What happens if I need to reduce or cancel my service subscriptions with North?
For any cancelations of service or reduction requests, we create a small handoff period where we allocate between 30 to 120 days to find a new home for your Savings Plan or Reserved Instance, based on our . No hidden fees or gotchas.
What is a Flexible Savings Plan?
Flexible AWS Savings Plans are AWS Compute Savings Plans (up to 72% off on-demand) that North owns, and allows customers to access via a monthly subscription through our Savings Pods.
Do we need to install anything?
We require read-only permissions to your billing and usage data. We don't view any sensitive data. We run light, easy & secure.
What is your pricing?
Usage of the app for savings analysis and FinOps analysis is free via our startup version ($0/mo). If you choose to subscribe to our savings plans or reserved instances, we bill you for 20% of your monthly savings vs on-demand equivalent. For example, if we help you save $10,000/mo our savings fee will be 20%. If we do not help you save, we do not charge. Our advances features can be accessed via our Premier Version, which is $599/mo. More on our pricing, .
What security is in place?
Our application takes a extremely limited read only permission to your spending data only. We cannot edit, change or pause machines, or even view network or VPC rules. More details on our secops posture can be disclosed privately.
What is your customer support model?
We pride ourselves on customer experience. Every account gets 24/7 access to their account team, including our CTO, CEO and a certified Cloud FinOps practitioner via Slack. Premier version clients get a more immersive client experience that includes dedicated reporting & monthly meetings.
Can I have my billing delivered via email?
Yes. Our billing is powered by Stripe. We invoice around the 10th of each month.
Do I still pay AWS?
Yes. You still keep your billing account direct with AWS.
What if I have current savings plans or reserved instances?
That's OK. North's service spots and models any additional savings you can achieve. If you prefer our service, you can replace aging Savings Plans and RIs with our Flex SPs and Flex RIs. Our SW will identify existing savings plans and reserved instances and only suggest additional coverage that works in conjunction with your usage.
Do you support customers with EDPs?
Yes. Customers that have direct EDPs can still enjoy the benefits of rate optimization either directly with AWS or through North. Please reach out for more information. Our EDP customers save just as much as our non-EDP customers.
Do you also support EC2 Reserved Instances?
No. We only support Compute Savings Plans for EC2. Compute Savings Plans offer as good or better hourly discounting as Reserved Instances, but provide customers with dramatically more flexibility and ease of use. You can enjoy the discounting of SPs on any AWS compute services (EC2, Lambda or ECS and Fargate) anywhere in the world, without the stress of forecasting usage by region, server generation family or server size.
I see Savings Plans can't be transferred between AWS accounts. Is this true?
Savings Plans cannot be transferred from the base AWS account in which they were reserved. North commits to the SP on your behalf, underwritting the 3 year commitment to AWS, and shares the SP to your AWS org. You can use the SP as long as you wish, when no longer needed the AWS account converts back to a base payer account, where North covers the costs or transfers it to another customer who might need more SP coverage.
Do you also help with Google Cloud or Azure?
We are working on building our platform for Google Cloud. Azure is not currently covered. Please reach out for more details.
Does North have a bug bounty program?
Yes, email bugs@north.inc
Reshaping analyzes your instance level usage & utilization data, scanning 100,000+ potential AWS machine architectures to find hidden efficiencies you can gain back by reducing your idle machine resources.
Intelligently integrated into your FinOps spending data (including effective savings rates, and RI footprint). Customizable via your account preferences on provisioning & headroom.
Understanding Home Dashboard
Reshaping will start by summarizing your monthly costs/service with graphs for current and previous month.
Click SEE DETAILS in each product box to expand your view for that product & review the AI suggestions to improve your architecture.
Expanded View & AI Suggestions
Your expanded view will show the savings detected, with exact instance changes that fit your preferences. Click AI SUGGESTION to reveal the details of each instance suggestion.
Understanding AI Suggestion Popup Box
The popup box will reveal even more details on the suggestion relative to historical usage patterns detected that governs the AI recommendations. North AI will suggest a different machine type or size based on your workloads. You can also see the historical usage patterns in CPU & network traffic to further analyze the recommendation.
Changing Your Reshaping Preferences
You can adjust the account preferences for how the machine learning model analyzes your machines and recommends improvements. To do this, click the gear icon on the reshaping homepage. Please note that changes will take 24 hours to appear in the output data as the analysis re-runs in the background. It is recommended to change preferences infrequently, ideally once a month or quarter, to avoid confusion.
As of December 5, 2024 we are combining the default and premier permissions into our onboarding, making the premier features available for all customers. For all current customers you can automatically upgrade to premier by following the steps below.
If you are not a Premier member and wish to become one you can do so by clicking "Upgrade to Premier" on pop up modals or through settings.
You can also view the extensive benefits of upgrading to Premier on our features page or through our pricing page.
Click Upgrade to Premier in the Settings page.
Accept North Premier MSA and Premier billing.
After clicking Upgrade you will be redirected to Premier onboarding. Similar to the initial onboarding you have performed, this will set up cross account permissions that will allow North to further analyze your AWS ecosystem and improve your savings posture.
Below is the link to our terms of service also known as MSA.
Invite users as editors or viewers of your root North account. Editors will have the same permissions as you do and viewers will have read only.
You can then invite team members and selecting either viewer or editor as a role
You can only invite users with the same domain name. For example person1@north.cloud cannot invite person2@north.inc.
Viewer is best suited for users that only need read only access. Editor is best suited for users that can read and edit your profile.